Decorating Slip
What is Decorating Slip?
Slip is a mixture of clay and colouring stains/oxides
diluted to a creamy consistency with water. Slip can be sprayed, dipped or
brushed onto leather-hard clay BEFORE
bisque firing.
You will need
165g Ball Cay
135g China Clay
50g Stain (stronger stains may need less).
Add to approximately 1pnt of water.
Stir well, until lump free; you may use your fingers.
Leave to settle overnight then pour off any excess
Decorative Effects
Ø Dipping
For dipping, slip should be liquid and very well
sieved. Dunk the vessel quickly and immediately out again, a small shake will
get rid of any dips.
Ø Marbling
You will need to keep the clay in the mould.
One slip is poured into the bowl and then poured out.
Now pour a different slip into the mould; tilt, tip
and move quickly, so the colours run into each other, this will produce a
marbled effect.
Ø Feathering
A foundation layer of slip is poured into a shallow
dish, made from clay, whilst in the mould, a second colour is then trailed, in
thick liquid, (close lines across the dish).
While this is still wet, a feather is drawn through
the trails at right angles, drawing one line of colour into the next. You can
experiment with different tools to draw through the slip.
Ø Slip Trailing
A slip-trailer is a rubber bulb with a nozzle. A
slightly thicker mix of slip is necessary for trailing.
When the bulb is loaded practice lines, curves and
spots on test tiles or newspaper to gain confidence.
Ø Slip on Slip
Dramatic pictures or patterns can be achieved using
different coloured slips. Slip can be applied using different implements such
as; cotton wool, feathers, sponges and brushes.
Ø Inlaid Slip
Coloured slip can be inlaid into most moist surface
textures. Slip shrinks as it dries so the patterns cut out must be well filled
with slip. Do not worry if the edges look messy, because as soon as it dries
you can scrape back to reveal a crisp sharp pattern.
Ø Slabbing with Inlay
Slabs can be inlaid with coloured slips before being
used to make slab built constructions.
Slabs of coloured slip can be created by pouring slip
onto plaster bats.
The slip can be used as an ordinary slab of clay once
it has dried to a suitable consistency.
Ø Sgraffito
This is when a design is scratched through one layer
of slip to reveal contrasting colour clay or slip below. Experiment with
different shaped instruments to make different types of marks. Apply three
layers of colour to wet clay, allow each application to dry between layers.